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- For Step 2 Divorce Forms: register as a paid user (paid users can access all of the forms).
Our divorce forms include everything you'll need to complete your uncontested divorce without a lawyer (all of the forms and corresponding instructions). The following documents are included:
Step 1 (Initiating the Divorce)
- Original Petition for Divorce (the “Petition”) – The Petition is the request for divorce. It is the document that is filed with court clerk that formally initiates the divorce process.
- Civil Case Information Sheet – Some counties require a case information sheet be filed along with the Petition.
- Waiver of Citation (the “Waiver”) – Texas law requires that you notify your spouse that you have filed for divorce. The Waiver is the document that shows the court that your spouse has received notice. If your spouse will agree to sign, the Waiver is the easiest way to comply with the notice requirements.
- Step 1 Instructions – These instructions will explain step-by-step how, when, and where to use the documents above.
Step 2 (Finalizing the Divorce)
- Final Decree of Divorce (the “Decree”) – This document finalizes your divorce. It must be signed by both spouses and presented to the judge. The Decree will dissolve the marriage and adjudicate your (and your spouse’s) rights and obligations after the dissolution of the marriage.
- Hearing Testimony – This is a short script that you can read to the judge when presenting the Decree to the judge so you don't forget what to say.
- Step 2 Instructions – These step-by-step instructions will explain how, when and where to use the documents above.
In order to use our divorce forms, you must meet certain requirements.
Uncontested Divorce: Your divorce must be uncontested (also known as agreed divorce or mutual divorce). The most common kind of uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree on the terms of the divorce. What is an uncontested divorce?
Texas Residency: One spouse must have lived in Texas for six months (both spouses must live in Texas if they have children together that are minors).
You can see all of the eligibility requirements in the terms of use.